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"Unleashing Creativity: Annual Art Auction Presented by Hope Warehouse"

The Hope Warehouse staff and volunteers organized an Art Auction last Friday night and raised over $4,800 in funds to benefit Haven Ministries. The event was filled with exciting activities such as a quilt raffle, a live auction, a silent auction, and the sale of various high-quality artworks. The donated artworks included pieces from local artists, many of which showcased scenes from the Eastern Shore. The event's success can be attributed to the efforts of Lorraine Sincavage, who took charge of organizing the event. A special thanks goes out to Mark Cascia Vineyards for hosting the Art Auction.

For those interested, additional artworks can still be purchased at Hope Warehouse located at 6527 Friels Road, Queenstown, MD 21658. The store is open from Wednesday to Saturday, between 10 am and 4 pm.

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